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Parent information

Our day begins at 07.30 and ends at 18.00.

We offer full day sessions and half days sessions, but can also tailor a day specific to your needs, depending on availability.

We ask that all food is provided by parents for their child. In our own lives we are plant based and encourage a healthy diet for all the children in our care. We do not expect children from non-plant based homes to exclude meat and dairy from their packed lunches but do ask that high sugar and processed items are kept minimal.


We are happy to warm up food and welcome home cooked meals brought in by children, to be consumed at meal times.

Healthy snacks are provided.

As we are a plant based family we consume a wide range of nuts to ensure our nutritional requirements are met, therefore we cannot be a nut free environment. Please be aware of this when considering us for your child.

Our Food and Allergies policy is available on request for more information.

Water is provided and accessible for children at all times.



Full Time, Monday to Friday (more than 15 hours a week)   4.75 per hour

Part-time hours (less than 15 hours a week)                         5.00 per hour

Term-Time only (no retainer for school holidays)                   5.00 per hour


EYEE sessions - I am now registered to offer Government funded, 15 and 30 hours places. 

Fees are paid one month in advance on the 1st of each month.

If you are a shift worker who is paid weekly please discuss the option of paying weekly in advance.



A deposit of one months fees are required upon signing of contracts to secure your child's place, if start date is one month or longer.

Deposits are refunded when the contract ends, providing specified notice has been given.

The deposit is non-refundable should a place not be taken or notice given within first 4 weeks of care.

Projects and Outings


Check here to see what we are currently working on!



Check here to see the places we have visited!

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